Friday, February 6, 2009

Schiele House Fire Update

The Schiele's had a house fire on Tuesday evening. Everyone is safe, but the house sustain some major damage. The house was not completely burned, but there is smoke and water damage throughout. At this time, they are not aware of any immediate needs as the insurance company is taking good care of them. Many have expressed a desire to help, but they seem to be in pretty good shape considering the intense circumstances. Pray for them as they make transitions and go through the headache of having their lives turned upside-down. I will keep you posted as I get new news. On a good note, Dawson accepted Christ as his Savior a couple of weeks ago and is looking forward to his baptism. We are praying for you Schieles.

2/10/2009 update - The Schiele's are staying at a hotel in Olive Branch temporarily. At this time the insurance company is meeting their immediate needs. I will keep you updated with future needs!

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