Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jeffrey Nichols Update

Jeffery is feeling well and the family is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. Jeffrey is undergoing experimental treatment for his cancer. He is taking a form of chemo that was designed for another form of cancer but has showed some encouraging results in patients with similar illnesses to Jeffrey. The drug targets T-cells and kills them. Jeffery has too many, and they are choking out the immune system. The hope is that these T-cells will die, and the immune system will rise to normal levels. That is the main prayer request. Jeffrey goes to St. Jude three days a week for treatment. (Mon, Wed, and Fri) He will be taking four weeks of treatments and then be reevaluated. He can have up to eighteen weeks of treatments if the drug is working. Jeffery is beginning week two, and each day is usually a long and grueling process. At this point, he does not seem to be having any reactions or sickness from the chemo. Pray that this continues. We love you Jeffrey, and all of us are praying for you daily. Stay strong and keep the faith!

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